Pressemappe: Innovation Week, Oktober 2020.

Press kit: Innovation Week, October 2020.

Innovation Week

Unter dem Motto „Unfold your potential“ veranstaltet die Heidelberger Druckmaschinen AG vom 19. bis 23. Oktober 2020 die digitale „Innovation Week“. In deren Rahmen wird Heidelberg seinen Kunden eine Fülle an Produktinnovationen in den Segmenten Commercial, Label und Packaging vorstellen.

Dazu zählen unter anderem als Highlight eine Weiterentwicklung des Push to Stop-Konzepts hin zum autonomen Drucken mit End-to-End-Lösungen: das nächste Level des Smart Print Shops. Darüber hinaus präsentiert das Unternehmen das Heidelberg Ecosystem, inklusive der neuen Branchenplattform Zaikio.

Innovation Week

Under the slogan "Unfold your potential", Heidelberger Druckmaschinen AG is organizing the digital "Innovation Week" from October 19 to 23, 2020. Heidelberg will be presenting its customers with a whole host of product innovations in the commercial, label, and packaging segments.

One of the highlights will be a further development of the push to stop concept to autonomous printing with end-to-end solutions – the next level of the Smart Print Shop. The company will also be presenting the Heidelberg Ecosystem, including the new Zaikio industry platform.

Präsentationen (only in German):

Pressemeldungen (Text & Bild)
Press Releases (text & image):

Pressemeldung/Press release:
Unfold your Potential: Doppelte Produktivität im Akzidenzdruck mit Push to Stop – end-to-end
Unfold your Potential: Twice the productivity in commercial printing with Push to Stop – end-to-end

Pressemeldung/Press release:
Unfold your potential: Heidelberg stärkt mit Innovationsoffensive Marktposition im Etikettendruck
Unfold your potential – Heidelberg innovation initiative strengthens position on label printing market

Pressemeldung/Press release:
Unfold your potential: Digitale Integration und intelligente Automatisierung steigern die Gesamteffizienz im Verpackungsdruck
Unfold your potential: Boosting overall efficiency in packaging printing with digital integration and intelligent automation

Pressemeldung/Press release:
Innovation Week 2020: White paper - Packaging Printing 4.0.
Innovation Week 2020: White paper - Packaging Printing 4.0.

Pressemeldung/Press release:
Innovation Week 2020: Hoher Kundenandrang bei der Innovation Week – Heidelberg mit positiver Bilanz
Innovation Week 2020: High level of customer interest at Innovation Week – Heidelberg offers a positive assessment

Pressemeldung/Press release:
Innovation Week 2020: Heidelberg startet Kundenoffensive – Expertenwissen auf Knopfdruck während der „Innovation Week“
Innovation Week 2020: Heidelberg launches customer campaign – expert knowledge at the push of a button during “Innovation Week”

Pressemeldung/Press release:
Heidelberg startet mit Zaikio neue, offene und unabhängige Plattform für die Druckindustrie
Heidelberg launches new open and independent printing industry platform with Zaikio

Pressemeldung/Press release:
Heidelberg investiert in die Produktion gedruckter organischer Elektronik – Produktionsstart am Standort Wiesloch-Walldorf – Marktpotenzial in Milliardenhöhe
Heidelberg invests in production of printed and organic electronics – production starts at Wiesloch-Walldorf site – billion euro market potential

Pressemeldung/Press release:
Zerkleinerungsmodul MZM-1100 sichert Nonstop-Produktion mit makulaturfreien Papierstapeln
Shredder module MZM-1100 ensures non-stop production with waste-free paper stacks

Fotogalerie/ Photo Gallery Management:

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HEIDELBERG Innovation Week

October 19 - 23, 2020 - online event with live demos from our Print Media Centers, innovation talks and one-on-one conversations. You can expect a week packed with product innovations for commercial printing as well as folding carton and label production.

Pressekonferenz pre-drupa, März 2020 /
Press conference pre-drupa, March, 2020

The focus was on customers’ need to combine state-of-the-art technologies and services with new business models to optimize the development and leveraging of their business potential.

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