Predictive action.

Reliable fault prevention.

Predictive Monitoring uses data recorded by intelligent sensors in the machine, uploaded to the Heidelberg Cloud service, and evaluated there using big data analytics. If abnormalities are found, our Predictive Monitoring experts plan a package of countermeasures that are implemented before faults actually occur.

You retain full freedom of decision at all times. With Predictive Monitoring, you receive regular updates about the machine condition and possible service calls – and have a free choice as to when they should take place.

Predictive Monitoring paves the way to a future where faults are the exception. This cloud service reduces your costs and increases your productivity, two factors that greatly influence the output and reliability of your print shop.

Predictive Monitoring comprises a number of services:

  • Condition monitoring
  • Predictive alerts
  • Evaluation and remote support
  • Service planning
  • Monthly reports
  • Predictive reviews
  • Regular conference calls

Big data analytics using cloud service technology

The Heidelberg Predictive Monitoring service ensures maximum machine availability using a state-of-the-art big data analytics platform with cloud service technology. Its goal is to prevent unplanned downtimes through continuous monitoring and analysis.

Predictive Monitoring collects machine data recorded by sensors and uploads it to the big data analytics platform for monitoring. Any time a parameter moves outside of a defined standard range, your Predictive Monitoring expert is notified by the system and analyzes the notification.

The expert creates a to-do list containing necessary service measures such as maintenance, cleaning, adjustment, or replacement. Depending on their priority, these measures will either result in an immediate service call or be implemented within the framework of maintenance calls, Remove Service, or scheduled service calls.

The Predictive Monitoring service is made possible by two key components:

  • The big data technology platform that allows the collection of data and carries out a pre-analysis of the data collected.
  • The Predictive Monitoring expert whose vast expertise and experience is crucial to the interpretation of the given information and the definition of the necessary measures. He or she is the central contact person responsible for all aspects of machine maintenance, including planning the calls and ordering the service parts.


  • Unplanned downtimes reduced by up to 20 per cent
  • Predictable production schedule thanks to early detection of failure indicators
  • Reduced downtime thanks to intelligent combination of tasks in one service call
  • Fast and precise failure analysis
  • Faster response time in case of technical problems
  • Regular contact with your personal Predictive Monitoring expert on all service questions relating to your machine

One contact person for your print shop

With Predictive Monitoring, you have one service expert as your personal contact person. The expert not only monitors the condition of your machine, but is also familiar with the particulars of your print shop. Depending on the service package, the Predictive Monitoring expert’s services can include monthly conference calls or on-site consultations during which technical tasks and unanswered questions can be discussed.

Also enjoy the benefits of optimized parts handling with optional service parts consignment. This involves preordering service parts to have them available on consignment, reducing downtimes and increasing machine availability.

Our services:

  • Analysis of functions and components that are relevant to the technical machine availability and which are suitable for Remote Diagnosis (e.g. non-stop, plate change, etc.)
  • Definition and monitoring of critical threshold values such as motor temperature and current
  • Monitoring of sensors, power supply modules, and signals of connected peripherals
  • Evaluation of faults and direct assignment to their cause
  • Interpretation of operator errors
  • Display of current machine data such as software and hardware versions, information variants, and other operation parameters
  • Regular technical service reports – for full transparency

How can we help you?

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