Our Principle

The HEIDELBERG Group stands for integrity, reliability and fairness. For the HEIDELBERG Group, compliance means not only acting in accordance with applicable laws and internal regulations, but rather shaping the corporate culture. The integrity of HEIDELBERG Group’s employees, managers and governing bodies build the basis for the good image and reputation in the public and reflect also the trust into HEIDELBERG Group’s goods and services.

Each individual of the HEIDELBERG Group contributes to the long-term success of the company and job security by acting and behaving with integrity. Compliance misconducts as well as violations against applicable laws and internal regulations are strictly pursued and punished.

Our Compliance Management System

The Compliance Management System (CMS) of the HEIDELBERG Group is orientated towards the Auditing and Assurance Standard 980 of the Institute of Public Auditors in Germany, Incorporated Association (IDW). With its seven basic elements, it constitutes significant structural, organizational, process-related requirements in regard to the operational implementation in the HEIDELBERG Group. Therefore, the group-wide CMS includes measures, controls and processes to ensure that the day-to-day actions and decisions of HEIDELBERG Group’s employees, managers and governing bodies are compliant with applicable laws and regulations as well as internal values and guidelines. Hereby, a key focus lies on the compliance risk management, to identify, measure and manage risks at an early stage. Through thus, compliance misconducts or violations are identified early and prevented in a timely manner. Furthermore, the employees, managers and governing bodies of the HEIDELBERG Group are advised and addressee-oriented trained.

The Group-wide compliance function is the responsibility of the Chief Financial Officer. Its tasks are performed by the Chief Compliance Officer (CCO) and the Compliance Office. They are supported in this by regional compliance officers based around the world.

For further questions please contact our Compliance Office.

Code of Conduct

The Code of Conduct of the HEIDELBERG Group builds the basis for the CMS of the HEIDELBERG Group. It is both a binding framework as well as orientation for day-to-day actions and decisions within the HEIDELBERG Group. Within this framework, each individual is called upon to take responsibility and to act with integrity, reliability and fairness. The managers of the HEIDELBERG Group are called upon to act as role models hereby and to support their employees in complying with our Code of Conduct.

Business Partner

The HEIDELBERG Group stands for free and fair competition in all business relationships with customers, suppliers, business partners, and competitors as well as for responsible and lawful day-to-day actions and decisions. Therefore, the HEIDELBERG Group's business partners are carefully selected and reviewed. These business relationships build the basis for the entrepreneurial success of the HEIDELBERG Group.

The HEIDELBERG Group expects its business partners to share and promote the values, principles, and policies of the HEIDELBERG Group. The Business Partner Code of Conduct of the HEIDELBERG Group serves as the basis for a compliance, continuous and long-term partnership. It stipulates an operational framework for the business partners of the HEIDELBERG Group for their day-to-day business actions and decisions.

Reporting Channels

It is of central concern to the HEIDELBERG Group to learn of (potential) compliance violations at an early stage, which is why it regards every report as a valuable contribution to investigating and combating them. For this reason, direct and confidential reporting channels have been implemented for employees, customers, suppliers and business partners.

Any type of compliance violation can be reported confidentially and, if desired, anonymously either digitally or by telephone via the SpeakUp whistleblower system. The ombudsman office is another neutral reporting channel. This guarantees that our employees, customers, suppliers and business partners can provide information about possible violations confidentially and, if desired, anonymously. Protecting all internal and external whistleblowers is a matter of course for the HEIDELBERG Group.

Furthermore, possible misconduct can also be reported to the compliance function directly or through the management board, works council or managers.


The SpeakUp whistleblower system can be used to report any kind of compliance violation confidentially and, if desired, anonymously, either digitally or by telephone. Reports can be submitted around the clock in various languages. The whistleblower system is technically managed by an independent operator and the reports are processed by the company's internal Compliance Office. Below you will find the answers to how SpeakUp works.


Data protection information on the Whistleblower System (pdf)

What kind of cases can be reported?
What should a report contain?
How is anonymity guaranteed and feedback provided?
How does the web-based report submission process work?
How does reporting via telephone work?
How does HEIDELBERG check the report?

Ombudsman Office

The ombudsman serves as a neutral reporting office. Our employees, customers, suppliers and business partners can contact ombudsman confidentially and anonymously if they wish to report potential compliance misconduct or compliance violations in the HEIDELBERG Group.

These are external lawyers who are professionally bound to secrecy in their function and are not permitted to pass on any information about the whistleblower to the HEIDELBERG Group without the express consent of the whistleblower. After its own due examination, the ombudsman decides whether and to what extent information received is to be communicated to the HEIDELBERG Group. The whistleblower does not incur any costs by using the ombudsman's office.

Felix Rettenmaier
Schumannstrasse 62
60325 Frankfurt/Main, Germany

Phone: +49 (0)69 8740 30018
E-Mail: ombudsmann@rettenmaier-frankfurt.de


Dr. Carolin Weyand
Schumannstrasse 62
60325 Frankfurt/Main, Germany

Phone: +49 (0)69 874 03 00-10
E-Mail: ombudsmann@rettenmaier-frankfurt.de


Contact Compliance Office

Heidelberger Druckmaschinen AG
69168 Wiesloch, Germany

Phone: +49 (0)6222 8267000
E-Mail: compliance@heidelberg.com

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