Cutting System for efficiently working without jogging process.

POLAR CuttingSystem 120.

Non-printed materials which have been processed with separating cuts and trimmed on four sides or other suitable print products do without jogging.

  • Up to 20% more output adverse a High-Speed-Cutter without peripheral equipment.
  • Improved ergonomics, because lifting heavy loads drops when loading or unloading.
  • Operator’s productivity curve remains constant.
  • The High-Speed Cutter offers a big economic potential thanks POLAR OptiKnife, easiest operation, first class service and best resale value.

Cutting System to increase performance.

POLAR CuttingSystem 160.

Up to 60 % more output adverse a high-speed cutter without peripheral equipment.

  • Improved ergonomics, because lifting hteavy loads drops when loading or unloading.
  • The precise alignment of the cutting reams improves the quality considerably
  • The High-Speed Cutter offers a big economic potential thanks POLAR OptiKnife, easiest operation, first class service and best resale value.

Cutting System for improving the output, ergonomics and quality.

POLAR CuttingSystem 200.

Excellent performance: The system processes up to Up to 100 % more output (operation with 2 persons) adverse a High-Speed Cutter without peripheral equipment.

  • Improved ergonomics, because lifting heavy loads drops when loading or unloading.
  • The precise alignment of the cutting reams in the automatic jogger improves the quality considerably.
  • The High-Speed Cutter offers a big economic potential thanks POLAR OptiKnife, easiest operation, first class service and best resale value.
  • Consistent stacking quality allows direct processing in the printing / folding machines.

Cutting System characterized by highly-automated processes.

POLAR CuttingSystem 200 PACE.

This system is typically used by companies working with at least two printing presses for medium-size format or larger, who wish to replace an existing cutting system. It is recommended for a capacity utilization of more than eight hours, jobs with at least six cutting reams to be processed, and an average number of a maximum eight cuts.

  • Excellent performance: The system processes up to 45 reams in 60 minutes.
  • Compared with a manual system, it increases the output up to 100 %, or reduces labour costs by saving one person.
  • Ensures high flexibility, because you can easily change between automatic and manual operation.
  • Provides exactness and consistent cutting quality.

Efficient cutting system with semi-automated components.

POLAR CuttingSystem 300.

Precise cutting results do not necessarily require jogging for precisely aligned edges. Non-printed or prepared material can be processed without any jogging cycle.

  • Up to 200% more output adverse a High-Speed Cutter without peripheral equipment.
  • Improved ergonomics, because lifting heavy loads drops when loading or unloading
  • The High-Speed Cutter offers a big economic potential thanks POLAR OptiKnife, easiest operation, first class service and best resale value.
  • Consistent stacking quality allows direct processing in the printing / folding machines.

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