School trajectory?

After graduating from secondary school, I attended a vocational high school with a focus on business and completed my Abitur there. Following this, I spent 1 year learning at a technical trade school as part of the introductory qualification year at HEIDELBERG. During the following two-year apprenticeship as a warehouse clerk, I learned the school curriculum at a commercial vocational school. I then studied Business Administration - Freight Forwarding, Transport & Logistics at the Mannheim Cooperative State University for 3 years as part of the dual study program at HEIDELBERG.

Why an apprenticeship and why this program in particular?

Demographic change is exacerbating the shortage of skilled workers. That's why I think vocational training creates security for the future and provides a foundation for personal education. I have always had a great interest in the field of logistics. Especially against the backdrop of globalization and increasing customer demands, logistics is a supreme discipline. One click of the mouse and the ordered goods are sometimes even delivered the same evening - that's really impressive. But logistics also plays a central role in the production of printing presses at HEIDELBERG. Logisticians have to ensure that the required materials are provided in the right quality, quantity, and at the right time for assembly so that the assembly staff can build the press. Logistics is also responsible, among other things, for delivering the finished press to the end customer - and to customers all over the world. During training as a warehouse specialist at HEIDELBERG, you pass through countless logistics departments. This gives you a comprehensive insight into the complexity and importance of logistics today and you get to know many great and competent employees.


HEIDELBERG is the world market leader in sheetfed offset presses and is therefore a global player. I have always been very interested in working for a large group that is networked worldwide and operates globally. What's more, (vocational) training at HEIDELBERG is very highly regarded and has won several awards, which further strengthened my desire to start my career here.

What makes training at HEIDELBERG so special?

Training at HEIDELBERG is characterized in particular by the high level of promotion of individual skills. These include, for example, methodological, technical, social, and personal skills. There is close contact and exchange with the trainers and the vocational training department, which strongly promotes personal development. You get the opportunity to live out your own competencies and skills, to perfect them and to receive active support from the vocational training department and especially from colleagues in the training departments. In addition, you work together with countless employees, which increases your sense of belonging. This collegial cooperation highlights the importance of diversity, which HEIDELBERG particularly values and promotes.

Most interesting project during my apprenticeship?

During my training, I worked on several projects. One of them was the optimization of an inventory system in the area of research and development. I set up a tool for certain materials that made it possible to see which material was available in which quantity in the warehouse. I was also active as a training ambassador for the Rhine-Neckar Chamber of Industry and Commerce and represented the occupation of warehouse specialist at various schools and events such as training fairs.

Current job?

Since successfully completing my dual studies at HEIDELBERG, I have been working in a department of supply chain management, which is responsible in particular for maintaining the workflow (organization of work processes) and investigating and working on many projects and potential improvements. The department is also responsible for strategically shaping distribution and delivery logistics. I oversee this strategic logistics alignment together with my colleagues and superiors.

How do I see my future?

Until the end of September 2022, I studied business administration - freight forwarding, transport, and logistics at HEIDELBERG in cooperation with the Mannheim Cooperative State University. I gratefully accepted the opportunity to be taken on after completing my studies at HEIDELBERG. As mentioned, I have been working in supply chain management at Heidelberger Druckmaschinen AG ever since. I'm looking forward to a varied future in which I can continue to help shape the strategic direction of logistics. I also hope for a future in which I can work on various projects, particularly in the field of sustainable "green" logistics and assembly logistics.

My tips for prospective trainees

Be yourself, be authentic and open-minded. Always strive to think outside the box and be curious. You should always warmly embrace the countless opportunities HEIDELBERG offers in the area of personal development and (further) education in order to develop your full potential. And most importantly, have fun!

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