School trajectory?

Realschule > Wirtschaftsgymnasium > Apprenticeship > Study > Profession

Why an apprenticeship and why this program in particular?

After graduating from high school, I wanted to go straight to work and earn money, and at that time I couldn't imagine going to university. That's why I decided to do an apprenticeship. I thought I would enjoy the practical side of things. The decision to train as a media designer came about because I have always been very creative. I wanted to be the same in my job.


As a well-known company in the surrounding area, HEIDELBERG was always a familiar name to me. In terms of my dream job as a media designer, HEIDELBERG was the perfect place to learn as a press manufacturer.

What makes training at HEIDELBERG so special?

The training is very practical and well structured. You also get to see the entire process, from creation to the finished product. That was always a big advantage, especially for me as a media designer. Important information and details about printing presses and processes helped me a lot and broadened my view of design.

Most interesting project during my apprenticeship?

There were a few exciting projects that we were involved in. One was the development of a new logo for a training cooperation.

Current job?

After my apprenticeship, I completed a Bachelor of Arts - Digital Media, Media Management & Communication degree at the DHBW in Mannheim. Now I work as Global eShop Manager for HEIDELBERG eShop.

How do I see my future?

I feel very comfortable in the eCommerce sector. I am looking forward to gaining more experience here. I would also like to go deeper into the area of project management and have already been given the opportunity for further training in this regard.

My tips for prospective trainees

Don't be afraid to ask lots of questions. You are starting out to learn, so questions are part of the process!

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