School trajectory?

I went to a vocational high school majoring in computer science and quit a year before graduating high school to start the apprenticeship.

Why an apprenticeship and why this program in particular?

Since I don't have a high school diploma and wanted to learn something manual, I decided to train as a printer. Working with printing presses, ink and paper sounded interesting and after a short internship at HEIDELBERG, my decision was made.


HEIDELBERG was the largest provider of training positions in the area. What's more, at HEIDELBERG, you have the opportunity to explore all facets of the business and therefore get a better insight into the world of print media than you would in a "regular" print shop.

What makes training at HEIDELBERG so special?

You go through various areas during your training, so that at the end you not only have knowledge about the printing process, but also about the necessary steps before (prepress, platesetting) and after (postpress).

Most interesting project during my apprenticeship?

The most interesting project during my training was supervising the WorldSkills training, as many printers from all over the world came to HEIDELBERG to prepare for the world championships.

Current job?

I'm currently working as a large-format instructor in the Print Media Center.

How do I see my future?

After gaining some work experience, I would like to continue my education, either by becoming an industrial foreman or a print media specialist.

My tips for prospective trainees

An apprenticeship is always a good introduction to the working world, but you should also ask yourself what you want to do afterwards.

Further testimonials

Further information

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