School trajectory?

Graduated from the Liebfrauenschule Bensheim with the general university entrance qualification in 2014.

Why study - and why this particular degree?

After graduating from high school, I first trained as a media designer for digital and print media in a medium-sized print shop. Since studying has always been one of my wishes and I wanted to build on my training, one thing quickly led to another. Above all, I was attracted by the structure of the course, which includes business components in the field of media and information technology with a focus on the development of digitization.


It was always clear to me that I would like to work in a global company. HEIDELBERG is and always has been one of the most important suppliers for the global printing industry and, with its extensive portfolio, stands for a modern and innovative company for me. The impression I got after my first contact with the company confirmed that HEIDELBERG attaches great importance to training and provides enormous support. Not least because you have the opportunity to get to know a wide range of specialist areas during your studies, to work in them, and to choose your own practical projects depending on your area of interest. This ultimately convinced me to apply for a dual study program at HEIDELBERG.

What is special about studying at HEIDELBERG?

Thanks to practical tasks and projects and participation in day-to-day business operations, you are given responsibility at an early stage and are thus optimally prepared for your future career. Regular development meetings also help to reflect on learning progress and provide the right impetus for further development. Attention is also always paid to ensuring that theoretical principles taught during studies are directly applied in the context of tasks and projects. Last but not least, the opportunity to get to know a wide range of different departments is not something I can take for granted. That definitely makes HEIDELBERG stand out as a special training company.

Most interesting project during my studies?

Basically, I have fond memories of every practical phase of my studies, as I was able to take away and learn an enormous amount everywhere. One of the highlights was my internship phase abroad at the American branch in Atlanta. I was able to support my colleagues on site with a variety of everyday tasks and projects. In addition, however, I mainly worked on the conception and implementation of a video series for a marketing campaign. I was also able to support the introduction of the Customer Visit Management (CVM) module in our CRM system and train the colleagues on site. And in addition to the day-to-day work in the American market, I was of course also able to get to know American life and culture. All in all, this practical phase was an incredible experience that allowed me to develop both professionally and personally.

Current job?

Since October 2020, I have been working in Sales Excellence, the central unit for sales support, and specifically in the Solution Management area. Here, we work on the design of holistic business and contract models that meet customer needs. These can be standalone service contracts, but also comprehensive subscription models in which the entire production system is provided, including the machine. In this context, we develop the content, pricing strategies, the underlying processes and are responsible for the global roll-out. We also manage the internal and external communication of these products.

How do I see my future?

I see myself continuing to work on exciting projects and varied tasks at HEIDELBERG in the future, which will enable me to learn more and more, grow with my work and, most importantly, have fun!

My tips for prospective students

During my studies at HEIDELBERG, I learned above all that it always pays to be courageous, to get involved and, above all, to take advantage of the opportunities that are offered to you. The greatest development takes place outside your own comfort zone. This was definitely the case for me, so this is also my tip for prospective students. Always keep an open mind and feel free to take on tasks and projects that are new to you. This will help you to develop both professionally and personally.

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