Promoting diversity within the Company

HEIDELBERG is committed to diversity and equal opportunity.

The advancement of women is an ongoing task. Together with other companies from the metropolitan region, HEIDELBERG has initiated a cross-company mentoring program to promote young female employees. This program is updated annually and was held using online formats in the reporting year despite the restrictions resulting from the pandemic.

The Company also pressed ahead with the “WIN@HEIDELBERG” diversity program initiated by female employees, which is aimed at supporting talented female employees and harnessing diversity. In light of the prevailing circumstances, most of the activities took place online. This women-focused (not women-only) network is aimed at driving professionalization through the exchange of ideas, the discussion of key topics and learning from one another. The well-received business lunch, at which new projects and topics are presented to interested colleagues, and the digital networking lunch, a format for informal dialog during lunch breaks, both continued in the reporting year. The agenda of the “WIN@HEIDELBERG” program also includes presentations and content-related impetus.

We meet the statutory requirements (German Transparency in Wage Structures Act and establishment of a statutory gender ratio). We also make a particular point of encouraging more female applicants in STEM professions. As a member of the Arbeitskreis Hochschule-Wirtschaft working group of the employers’ association Südwestmetall, we support efforts to attract talented new employees. A regular “girls’ day” is held in order to highlight opportunities for young female employees.


HEIDELBERG also takes responsibility when it comes to inclusion. We employ an above-average number of people with disabilities. The statutory representative for employees with disabilities is provided with assistance in their support work. This applies to occupational health (reintegration, occupational health management) as well as social policy (support in respect of rehabilitation and pension providers). Tailored support formats are individually designed and implemented together with the providers of inclusion support in order to enable participation in working life.

HEIDELBERG also provides support by commissioning the Lebenshilfe organization (workshop in accordance with section 219 of the German Social Code, Book IX) and arranging deliveries from our company restaurant, HCS GmbH. HEIDELBERG provided more than 11,000 free meals in the financial year 2021/2022.

Social commitment with a focus on promoting education

As a global Group, HEIDELBERG wishes to contribute to regional economic development with its sites, employees and suppliers and thus make an indirect contribution to the prosperity of society and individuals. The Company exerts a direct influence with targeted social engagement, which is planned and managed locally by the respective Company units. Heidelberger Druckmaschinen Aktiengesellschaft focuses its social activities on education projects and is active in this field with its own projects and as a “Knowledge Factory – Companies for Germany” partner. With the help of its trainees, HEIDELBERG supports projects at 12 schools that give children hands-on experience of technology and science. HEIDELBERG’s Brandenburg site is committed to the “Round Table for Youth and Business for Brandenburg”, whose goal is to improve the development prospects of young people, and is also involved in “Youth Science” as a regional sponsor company.

The educational concept at HEIDELBERG encompasses not just subject-based learning but also the social and personal aspects of education. For this reason, a joint induction and project work week for all new trainees and students is typically held at the beginning of each training year and the social projects developed here are subsequently implemented. In the year under review, the concept was adapted in response to the pandemic situation as it was not possible to carry out social projects with facilities such as daycare centers, care homes, etc. The traditional Christmas projects were realized thanks to the commitment and resourcefulness of the trainees: In December, they sold their products from a window hatch rather than at the canteen and the Wiesloch Christmas market as is customary. The proceeds of € 1,500 benefited deprived families in Wiesloch and the surrounding area as usual.

Sustainability @ HEIDELBERG

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