Within its industry, the HEIDELBERG Group is an exemplary sustainable company.
By sustainability we understand the long-term balance of ecology, economy, and social responsibility.
We are committed to meeting all compliance obligations of the HEIDELBERG Group such as environment-related laws and regulations.
We develop eco-friendly innovations for all phases of the product life cycle – i. e. manufacturing, operation, and disposal/recycling – that are safe and reliable to operate.
We boost the energy efficiency of our products where this is possible and makes sense and reduce process emissions and waste that occur during operation.
We expand our portfolio of services and consumables continuously, aiming to provide support for our customers in the efficient and eco-friendly design of their production facilities and production processes. In this respect, we place particular emphasis on offering our customers carbon neutral products and services.
We optimize our transportation and logistics processes continuously with a view to ensuring environmentally friendly packaging, transportation, and transportation routes.