Investor Relations.

Voting results - Annual General Meeting 2023.

Annual General Meeting approves all proposed resolutions

Around 800 shareholders attended the Annual General Meeting of Heidelberger Druckmaschinen AG (HEIDELBERG) for financial year 2022/2023 at the Congress Center Rosengarten in Mannheim today. Just under under 28 percent of HEIDELBERG's share capital was represented at the event.

The Management Board explained to the shareholders the strategic direction of the Company, the balance sheet figures for the past financial year (April 1, 2022 to March 31, 2023), and the future outlook.

Speech manuscript of the CEO Dr. Ludwin Monz (PDF)

Recording of Dr. Ludwin Monz's speech (in German)

Impressions - Annual General Meeting 2023

Re-election of Ferdinand Rüesch as shareholder representative on the Supervisory Board

At the Annual General Meeting, the shareholders of the Company had to vote, among other things, on the re-election of Ferdinand Rüesch as shareholder representative on the Supervisory Board. In the resolution on the election to the Supervisory Board, a clear majority of those entitled to vote expressed their agreement with the candidate proposed by the management.

Ferdinand Rüesch has been a member of the HEIDELBERG Supervisory Board since 2018. He has many years of experience in sales in the printing, packaging and media industries. As the former owner of Gallus Ferd. Rüesch AG, he also has the associated industry expertise and extensive knowledge of worldwide key account management for customers operating locally and globally, and will continue to actively support HEIDELBERG's further development. In addition, the shareholders passed eight further resolutions.

Annual General Meeting 2023 - Date

Juli 26, 2023


Congress Center Rosengarten
Rosengartenplatz 2
68161 Mannheim

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