The future of print: Robotics and Automation from Heidelberg
In the Smart Printshop of tomorrow, nothing is left to chance. Material is always in the right place at the right time. At the same time, the flow of information is completely digitised, and the production facilities process orders in the most efficient way possible.
Did you know that the Versafire digital printing systems from Heidelberg meet the sustainability requirements for deinking/recyclability for digital printing?
For any printed paper to be recycled, deinking has to be performed to improve the final colour and overall quality of the recycled paper.
Star Product - Saphira Jacket Cleaner 500.
Powerful water-based Jacket cleaner, developed for use on all transfer jackets.
Product Success Story: Saphira 562 Wash
Neil Collier, press instructor at Heidelberg UK, reports about a roller wash trial at a large magazine printer.