Heidelberg Commercial Printing Technology

Equipment & services for commercial printing.

Discover the most comprehensive product and service portfolio in commercial and publishing printing. The solutions from Heidelberg have the goal to produce at the lowest cost per sheet and highest quality standards.

Heidelberg Commercial Printing Technology
Free posters

Commercial printing posters.

Thanks to their intelligence and automation, our solutions ensure the highest productivity and quality to both industrialized printing companies and small and medium-sized print shops alike. Download our posters now and start exploring the solutions that can help your business succeed.

Free posters

Bertelsmann Printing Group achieves its goals with HEIDELBERG Subscription.

Customer testimonials.

Learn how commercial printers around the world are succeeding with Heidelberg machines and services and realizing their full potential thanks to our fully digitized solutions.

Expert talks.



Everything you always wanted to know
about color management.

Even though modern digital imaging software can automate the process of color management, certain aspects will always remain subjective. Having a deeper understanding of the principles behind color management and what choices to make helps printers achieve optimal printing results.

Get the lowdown on colorimetry, densitometry, standardization in printing, dot gain vs. dot loss and much more in our expert guide.


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