Always at the forefront of technical innovation.

  • Higher production stability
  • Improved functionality and performance range
  • Increased resale value of machine

Hardware upgrades.

  • For CtP devices and printing presses from Heidelberg
  • Examples: FilterStar Compact, closed sheet guide plates, sheet brakes, preloading devices etc.

Our engineers are constantly working on the improvement of Heidelberg machines. With our Hardware Upgrades, you can profit from these enhancement without buying a completely new machine. Heidelberg SystemService can retrofit the upgrades you’ve chosen onto your machine. This way, you can add easily add a new feature, enhance an existing one, or exchange a machine module.

Postpress retrofits.

  • Wide range of retrofits available for all Heidelberg Postpress machines
  • Delivery worldwide 24/7
  • Quick and easy installation

Have your customers’ requirements changed? Are you looking to extend your range of functions or replace components? Use our retrofit options to enhance the productivity and flexibility of your Postpress operations.

Software upgrades.

  • Fixing of bugs and improvement of software
  • Quick and easy installation
  • Includes: Supply of software upgrade CDs, updated user manuals and access to Heidelberg online software update portal
  • Automated notification function, dedicated phone support, and onsite installation and training also available as options

Continued technological development never rests – especially in the area of software development. With our Software Upgrade programs, we make sure you always have the latest features and functionality installed on your equipment. For your peace of mind, our subscription programs also give you the possibility to automatically receive software upgrades and updates on an "as-released" basis.

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