Attention! Uwaga! Huomio! Tähelepanu! Dėmesio!


We have new address
Our legal and postal address has been changed, although we have not moved at all. We are in same office and warehouse is exactly in same place. Just new address plate on our building. Don’t believe this can happen? We either, but here it is – our new address: Ulbrokas 19a, Riga LV-1021.
Historically at the time the given plot of land just started to develop (Rīgas Industriālais Parks), Dzelzavas street as we know it ended up about 0.2 km from our gates and then there was off-road stretch, but Ulbrokas street was nothing more than green lane.
During the years (and we have moved here summer 2005) there has been pretty nice development of the city around our premises. Including Ulbrokas street as major traffic connection.

Look at the map:

  • our office is closer to Deglava street than Dzelzavas;
  • our closest gates lead to Ulbrokas street;
  • our neighbors PBLC building is Ulbrokas street 21 (always have been).

Let’s call it as it is: finally we have the address we belong!

What it means for you?
1. Do not wonder that we are using new address. This will immediately appear on all new contracts, invoices… all kinds of documents.
2. Postal service is already processing new address. Do not hesitate to implement our new address immediately in your information systems (mail addressed to Dzelzavas 120s will reach us for a while, but who wants to test for how long…)

We shall se how fast Google maps will adapt to the address change. I’m afraid other GPS navigation systems will use old address for many years to come, so don’t forget Dzelzavas 120s.

Uzmanību! Mums ir jauna adrese
Neticami, bet mums tiešām ir jauna adrese: Ulbrokas iela 19a.
Nē, mēs neesam nekur pārbraukuši, viss ir palicis savās vietās. Izrādās, ka adresi var mainīt arī saskaņā ar Rīgas pilsētas būvvaldes lēmumu Nr. BV-16-487-ls (2016. gada 9. decembrī) par adreses piešķiršanu, maiņu, precizēšanu vai likvidēšanu..
Ja paskatās kartē – ir zināma loģika. Vēsturiski zemesgabalu Dzelzavas ielā 120 sāka apgūt laikā, kad Ulbrokas ielas nemaz nebija. Pat Dzelzavas iela beidzās pie pagrieziena uz Kaives ielu. Gadu gaitā apkārtne ir krietni mainījusies, un fakti runā paši par sevi:

  • Esam patālu no Dzelzavas ielas (Deglava iela ir pat tuvāk);
  • Teritorijas vārti netālu no mūsu ēkas iziet uz Ulbrokas ielu;
  • Mūsu kaimiņi PBLC biznesa centrs vienmēr bijis Ulbrokas 21

Tagad mums ir tāda adrese, kādai jābūt!
1. Nebrīnieties, ka esam sākuši lietot savu jauno adresi – uz rēķiniem, līgumos, un citos dokumentos.
2. Pasts noteikti jau apstrādā jauno adresi. Izlabojiet to savās informācijas sistēmās jau tagad. Ja sūtīsiet pastu uz Dzelzavas 120a – kādu laiku tas vēl pienāks, bet labāk neeksperimentēt cik ilgi vēl…

Nāciet ciemos!

Attention! Uwaga! Huomio! Tähelepanu! Dėmesio!


We have new address
Our legal and postal address has been changed, although we have not moved at all. We are in same office and warehouse is exactly in same place. Just new address plate on our building. Don’t believe this can happen? We either, but here it is – our new address: Ulbrokas 19a, Riga LV-1021.
Historically at the time the given plot of land just started to develop (Rīgas Industriālais Parks), Dzelzavas street as we know it ended up about 0.2 km from our gates and then there was off-road stretch, but Ulbrokas street was nothing more than green lane.
During the years (and we have moved here summer 2005) there has been pretty nice development of the city around our premises. Including Ulbrokas street as major traffic connection.

Look at the map:

Let’s call it as it is: finally we have the address we belong!

What it means for you?
1. Do not wonder that we are using new address. This will immediately appear on all new contracts, invoices… all kinds of documents.
2. Postal service is already processing new address. Do not hesitate to implement our new address immediately in your information systems (mail addressed to Dzelzavas 120s will reach us for a while, but who wants to test for how long…)

We shall se how fast Google maps will adapt to the address change. I’m afraid other GPS navigation systems will use old address for many years to come, so don’t forget Dzelzavas 120s.

Uzmanību! Mums ir jauna adrese
Neticami, bet mums tiešām ir jauna adrese: Ulbrokas iela 19a.
Nē, mēs neesam nekur pārbraukuši, viss ir palicis savās vietās. Izrādās, ka adresi var mainīt arī saskaņā ar Rīgas pilsētas būvvaldes lēmumu Nr. BV-16-487-ls (2016. gada 9. decembrī) par adreses piešķiršanu, maiņu, precizēšanu vai likvidēšanu..
Ja paskatās kartē – ir zināma loģika. Vēsturiski zemesgabalu Dzelzavas ielā 120 sāka apgūt laikā, kad Ulbrokas ielas nemaz nebija. Pat Dzelzavas iela beidzās pie pagrieziena uz Kaives ielu. Gadu gaitā apkārtne ir krietni mainījusies, un fakti runā paši par sevi:

Tagad mums ir tāda adrese, kādai jābūt!
1. Nebrīnieties, ka esam sākuši lietot savu jauno adresi – uz rēķiniem, līgumos, un citos dokumentos.
2. Pasts noteikti jau apstrādā jauno adresi. Izlabojiet to savās informācijas sistēmās jau tagad. Ja sūtīsiet pastu uz Dzelzavas 120a – kādu laiku tas vēl pienāks, bet labāk neeksperimentēt cik ilgi vēl…

Nāciet ciemos!

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