amkDruck, Potsdam.

A jobber for simple print jobs in A4 format, a Printmaster GTO 52-4, and now a 5-color Versafire CV with banner and brochure finisher: amkDruck, a small print shop in Potsdam, has remained faithful to Heidelberg equipment since it was established 15 years ago. “To put it simply, Heidelberg stands for quality,” says founder and Managing Director Angela Kutzsche. “Purchasing the Versafire meant we were able to really enlarge our range of services and adapt it to the demands of the market.” The clear objective of amk is to further establish the digital printing arm and develop it as a second main business segment. The main products produced by the three-person operation are flyers, training materials, postcards, business stationery, brochures, and invitations. “Having a digital press let us acquire new customers with additional jobs, particularly for short production runs,” says Angela Kutzsche, looking back on on the previous six months: “Our range of services has broadened as a result.” She goes on to describe how the outstanding print quality produced by the press, the fifth inking unit for applying white or coating, the banner format, and the wide range of possible substrates and grammages have further increased the company’s competitiveness. A further pay-off according to Angela Kutzsche is the higher prices that public utilities and authorities, banks, industry customers, agencies, and private individuals are prepared to pay for express and custom print jobs. She heartily recommends that other print shops purchase the Versafire CV. “Just none of our competitors,” she adds with a grin, “this is one USP we’d like to keep for ourselves.”

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