Performance Benchmarking

Start your 30-days free trial now!

How it works.

What is Performance Benchmarking? A quick overview.

Ever wondered how well you are doing in terms of waste on thick substrates or how your make-ready time compares to others which have also printed complex job configurations? Performance Benchmarking tells you, giving you detailed reports for your different jobs and benchmarks your performance against other players within your market.

One platform for your data.​

Perfectly integrated in your Heidelberg Assistant.

Performance benchmarking was developed as a premium feature for your Heidelberg Assistant. It is easy and intuitive to use and fits seamlessly into your Heidelberg Assistant.

Based on big data, not instinct.

Benchmark your performance
with over 20 millions jobs.

When it comes to competitor analysis, don’t just rely on your instinct. Performance Benchmarking offers you access to a data base of over 20 million jobs printed each year. Whatever you print, we show your performance in comparison with a suitable and solid peer group out of this gigantic data universe.

All important figures.​

Full Access with the Performance
Benchmarking Agreement.​

Performance Benchmarking.

Start your 30-days free trial now!

Register your 30-days free trial now
and get full access to Performance Benchmarking
in your Heidelberg Assistant.

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